Gift Planning

Sue Keely ’73 Supports Our Liberal Arts Tradition with Both Her Annual Gift and Estate Plans

Sue Keely ’73

Oh, the places we’ve gone, the careers we’ve had, the people we’ve met, the changes we’ve survived and thrived through … all of these things have their roots in our shared Carroll experience.

I’m grateful for the liberal arts foundation that helped me “reinvent myself” time and time again when a situation no longer fit me or I had a new dream. I built my confidence through campus leadership opportunities and people who became dear friends. Chi Omega and what it stood for (besides the obvious social aspect) had a huge impact on me. That was mostly because of the women I met and the leadership roles I grew into. I challenged myself as a cheerleader and learned more about teamwork and generating school spirit. The hard classes and fun experiences all shaped who I am today.

Remember wearing our beanies at the start of our freshman year? Education majors, remember climbing three flights of stairs to 8:00 classes—you really need to come back and see the new Education Building. It’s so different, and better, than what we had. (It also has an elevator!) Coming back in 1982 as alumni director gave me a whole different perspective on our alma mater. I thoroughly enjoyed working with alums of all ages, alumni clubs all over the country, Homecoming, working with the Alumni Council on one end and Panhellenic Council and graduation committee on the other. Being on the reunion committee brings back so many memories of life as a student from 1969 to1973 and as staff from 1982 to 1991.

Because of all these memories and experiences, I support Carroll financially through my annual gift and estate planning. Attending Carroll as a freshman in 1969 wouldn’t have been possible for me without the support of alumni who believed in Carroll and supported it financially. I believe in paying that forward. I also believe as a class we can leave a legacy that helps to support Carroll in the years ahead by donating, generously, to our Class Gift.

Carroll will forever be in my heart—and celebrating our 50th reunion with YOU will be a great milestone to share.

—Sue Keely ’73

  1. Ready to make an IRA Rollover gift? Use our tool here:
  2. Add Carroll to your will or make Carroll the beneficiary of your retirement plan.
  3. Join the 1846 Legacy Society.


The Milestone 50th Reunion Class Gift:

What counts? Gifts made now, pledged for the next five years, and in wills are celebrated at the 50th!

Read about other members of the Class of 1973: Debbie (Stuart) Everett, Scott Kohl, Gail (Gaulke) Brugioni, Jeff and Lynn Cummisford, M. Susan (Sue) Borror Howard, and Tom Garrow.




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